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MySubaru Application

MySubaru Application

Create a New Account or Add Vehicles to an Existing Account

No matter where your Subaru takes you, your MySubaruTM account will give you access to the MySubaruTM app and website which offer a variety of services.

With a personalized account, you can:


Schedule service appointments with an Authorized Subaru Dealer in Canada


Access vehicle recall information


Track your vehicle service history


Watch how-to-videos

roadside assistance

Connect with 24-hour roadside assistance**

owner's manual

Access your owner's manual

**All of the roadside assistance emergency services apply to the Subaru vehicle registered in the Subaru 360 C.A.R.E program, regardless of driver, provided they are in possession of the Subaru 360 C.A.R.E. membership card.


MySubaruTM App

Get the full capabilities of MySubaruTM on your mobile phone with the MySubaruTM app.

A MySubaruTM account is required.
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